About Us
Based on the design that combines the high quality of traditional craftsmanship and the functionality favored by workers, the company develops products that have a vintage feel yet are in tune with the current era with the belief in "GENTLEMAN," which expresses masculinity, and "DOG," a slang term meaning playful spirit.
大量生産大量消費の現代で、HW DOGでは全ての商品に手間暇をかけ一人でも多くのお客様に「本当に良い帽子」を手にとって頂くために、一切の妥協をせず深いこだわりを持って一つ一つ生産しております。
HW DOGが物作りにあたって着想を得ているのは機械による大量生産が始まる以前の1930年代以前に見られた職人技による品質の高さと1940年代以降に活躍したミリタリー製品の機能性です。
HW DOGの帽子を手に取って頂くとその意味がわかって頂けると考えています。
"Something worth having in hand"
In today's age of mass production and mass consumption, HW DOG takes the time and effort to produce each and every product with uncompromising dedication so that as many customers as possible will be able to pick up a "truly good hat".
HW DOG is inspired by the high quality of craftsmanship seen before the 1930s and the functionality of military products from the 1940s onward, before mass production by machine began.
As time has progressed, the convenience afforded by mechanization has enriched our lives.
However, there was a charm in that era that cannot be produced by today's work-intensive mass production.
We have fundamentally reexamined our manufacturing process and have brought back the charm of that era to the present, and at the same time, our company proposes "truly good hats" that are designed in accordance with the times.
We believe that when you hold a HW DOG hat in your hand, you will understand what we mean.
「HW DOGの物作り」
今では紳士帽子専門の工場も日本では数件しかなくHW DOGでは伝統ある紳士帽子を作るべく当時の機械と製法で作り上げています。
しかし、金型が存在しない更に昔では木型を上手く利用して紳士帽子を作っていました。いわゆるヴィスポーク(=オーダーメイド) を作る場合は完全なる一点物であるため微調整のきく木型でないと作れません。
HW DOGでは、一点物や特別な帽子の場合は木型を使います。その中でもアメリカ式での作り方に拘り、ヴィンテージ木型や小道具特殊ミシンを用いて基礎部分から丁寧に作り上げています。
また、HW DOGでは定番となったBASEBALL CAPは1860年代にベースボールが世に広まったと同時に当時のベースボールキャップを元に今の時代だからわかる素材と機能性をプラスした物作りをしています。
しかしこのHW DOGのベースボールキャップは当時と同じように、「毛芯」を使っています。化学繊維が今よりも発展していなかったため芯地を硬くするために動物の毛(馬のしっぽの毛や鹿の毛)で対応していました。
帽子作りにそこまでやるのかと思われるかもしれませんが古き良き物作りの時代にはそれが当たり前でその手間を惜しまずに物作りにこだわるのがHW DOGの物作りです。
"Making things for HW DOG"
There are two types of ways to make hats, called caps.
One is the mold type.
When a die is used to make a hat, it is a mechanical type, so it is subject to temperature, pressure, and other forces that cannot be handled by humans.
Nowadays, there are only a few factories in Japan that specialize in men's hats, and HW DOG uses the machines and manufacturing methods of those days to make traditional men's hats.
The other is the wooden mold method.
After molds were developed, wooden molds were mainly used to make women's hats, as they produced a soft and fluffy finish.
However, in the old days, when molds did not exist, men's hats were made by making good use of wooden molds. When making a so-called "vispoke" (i.e. custom-made) hat, it is impossible to make it without a fine-tuned wooden pattern because it is a completely one-of-a-kind item.
At HW DOG, we use wooden patterns for one-of-a-kind or special hats. We use vintage wooden patterns and special sewing machines to carefully craft our hats from the very basics.
In addition, HW DOG's BASEBALL CAP, which has become a standard item, is based on the baseball caps of the 1860s, when baseballs first became popular in the world, and is made with materials and functionality that can be understood because of the current era.
In today's general baseball caps, synthetic fibers are used for the "interlining" that is attached to the back of the fabric to make the fabric hard and strong.
However, this HW DOG baseball cap uses a "hair core" just as it did back then. Because synthetic fibers were less developed than now, animal hair (horse tail hair or deer hair) was used to make the interlining harder.
The finishing dies that determine the shape of the hat are also made from scratch with great care.
The finishing dies generally used today do not meet the quality we seek, so we have made many revisions to the finishing dies and arrived at this shape through a process of trial and error.
You may wonder why we go to such lengths when making hats, but in the good old days of manufacturing, this was the norm, and we at HW DOG are committed to our craftsmanship without sparing any time or effort.